Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Proof that Liberal Catholic Editors Cause Confusion


The Vatican watcher, Sandro Magister, in the article linked above, concludes falsely that the Vatican mildly favors President Obama and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi. He then concludes that the Vatican and local Bishops are at odds on these points. The amazing element in this is that he concludes as much based on the editorials of 'L'Osservatore Romano'! The editor of L'Osservatore, Giovanni Maria Vian, has written many editorials favoring or at least remaining neutral towards liberal elements in the US. He was also involved (by extension, since L'Osservatore was at fault)in the scandal where Archbishop Salvatore "Rino" Fisichella condemned Brazilian Archbishop Jose Cardoso for publicly declaring the excommunication of those involved in the abortion of two children of a nine year-old mother. Archbishop Fisichella was the President of the Pontifical Council for Life, and did not even bother to ascertain the facts of the matter. (http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/mar/09032514.html) Vian's neglect or dismissal of the facts is clearly implied, since an editor-in-chief should be able to know such basic facts. Now, an important Vatican commentator is sowing seeds of dissent and misinformation (whether wittingly not is unclear), using the work of L'Osservatore Romano as justification of his assertions. I think the assertions are poorly researched and illogical, but Vian clearly bears some censure for allowing Magister--and surely many others--to draw such conclusions.


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